travel covid

How to stay healthy when getting ready to travel again! 

We have been struggling with COVID for a year now. There are still travelling restrictions for many parts of the world but we keep our hopes high, with the vaccination this summer we will travel again. 

Before COVID we would travel freely but as you know my friends travel is fun but challenging both physically and mentally. To post the subject I’ve been collecting information to prepare a very detailed post. Here I will try to give you some tips on how to mentally and physically stay fit when travelling. 

If you are a backpacker like me, you need to be lean and muscular. Not that I am fat shaming or something. I am not talking about body shapes etc. I am talking about being healthy, powerful and agile. 

 Before I was stuck at home, I was moving constantly. Travelling, hiking and running then ı was stuck at home and gained 10 pounds eating homemade bread and beer. I was depressed like anybody and I did not take a-care of myself. Binge eating got me. 

Then I got used to being at home and depression started to wear off. I started a healthy diet and exercise which was not an easy road but I managed. Now and back on track to travel, climb the mountains and hike. 

Here are the steps that I followed

Switching to whole foods: I ditched carbs. I have always been a huge fan of dough, and as I was home, I was depressed, I started cooking and then it got ugly 🙂 ı started baking bread, I made a lot of pasta, I baked pizzas and wondered how the hell the Italians are so slim? And then I decided to go healthy and ate lentils, beans, and sweet potatoes. 

Cheat day: I let myself eat naughty for a day in a week. 

Exercising: find the activity that you will enjoy. I know, I can hear you saying how one can enjoy exercise? But you can. If you hate fitness, run, if you hate running do yoga. And during the pandemic a lot of people are doing online classes which you can catch during the day and do that on your own. 

And if you want to take your exercise routine one step further plan your upcoming travels as active ones. go diving, try swimming, hiking or mountain climbing. 

Stop drinking: Change your drinking habits if you have one. I drank more beer during quarantine. With the depression of not travelling I almost had a beer every day. Then I started to eat healthy and limited the amount of beer that I drank. 

The last thing that I want to mention as you try to become healthier and stronger is self love. Like the incredible RuPaul says: If you do not love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?

I know it is a tough road but one step at a time. Take small steps every day. Every new step will encourage you to take another one. Take walks, ride your bicycle, run errands when possible to fill the void that has been created by nıt travelling. That is all I can say for now! 

Take care!  

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